3. Oshawott

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While Mudkip looks positively delighted to find itself couped up in a ball, Oshawott appears to be more phlegmatic about his lot. Is it of a generally grumpy disposition, or does it just have a downturned mouth giving it a perpetually morose demeanour? Who knows. Either way, it hasn't affected the popularity of this Sea Otter starter one bit, who beat Black and White candidates Snivy and Tepig (who missed out on the top five altogether) to come third in this top five. That ought to cheer it up a bit...

2. Mudkip

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Is there a cuter Starter Pokemon than Ruby and Sapphire Starter Mudkip? With its orange starry gills, oversized Mohawk (yes, we know it's technically a fin) and huge happy grin, it looks so adorable that you just want to take it home in your pocket. You might want to wash your coat afterwards as it might be smelly - Mudkip is a mud fish, after all. When it evolves, it looks even happier, but nothing beats the feeling of opening the Pokeball and seeing Mudkip smile back at you.